Tracy Foster- All About Kmele Foster Wife

Foster has a delightful three-year-old daughter. Kmele Foster has gained notoriety over the years for showcasing larger-than-life situations on his popular podcast, The Fifth Column. Aside from that, he is well-known for telling tales of human resilience and advancement through his internet video platform, Freethink Media. Foster, without a doubt, is a no-nonsense political analyst and telecommunications entrepreneur who is rapidly gaining international acclaim. More than that, he is a devoted husband and parent.

In 2017, Kmele Foster and his wife had a daughter.

Foster is married to Tracy Foster, his long-term companion. It’s unclear when the pair began dating or married, although Foster’s Instagram suggests they’ve been together since 2015. In addition, they commemorate their wedding anniversary on June 17th. Lia Lynette Emerson Foster, the couple’s first child, was born in December 2017. Foster announced the arrival of his newborn girl on Twitter, tweeting a photo of himself holding his daughter while obscuring his face. The podcaster captioned the photo, “Averaging what seems like 3.25 diaper replacements every awake hour.” Then, gushing about his newfound fatherhood, Foster said that his trips to the barbershop had been scarce since his child’s birth.

“The fade needs to extend a little longer,” Foster said, explaining why baseball hats were required for his photos. “But there’s also SO MUCH CUTE BABY,” he said immediately after discussing his new troublesome obligations. Foster has kept his followers up to date on his daughter’s birth by releasing images of her on his social media accounts. On September 29, 2020, he shared a photo of the three-year-old, confirming that she had started preschool.

Wedding Bands Have Been Expensive Due to Adventurous Tours

Foster and Tracy are an adventurous pair, to say the least. The couple has visited Tokyo, San Pedro de Atacama, Easter Island in Chile, Santorini in Greece, the Namibian Desert, Antarctica, Sydney Harbour, and even Iceland. While the experiences have deepened their bond, they have cost them one item in particular – wedding rings. Foster said in a Twitter post dated August 13, 2020, that he has already lost three to four wedding rings in various bodies of water. He quipped that he liked to imagine their marriage improved with each replacing ring.

Concerning Kmele Foster’s Wife

Tracy Foster’s wife is a brand marketing strategist and the creator of ONA, an international handcrafted bag and accessory shop. She founded the company in 2010. Her LinkedIn page states that she earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Maryland in 2003. She then worked with Teach for America for six months as a recruiting officer.

She then joined Thurgood Marshall Academy in 2005 as a development associate and was subsequently promoted to strategic projects manager. The mother-of-one quit her job in 2009 to pursue other chances. Tracy is a partner at NextGen Venture Partners and a mentor at Almaworks as of this writing. She also works for Independent Consultant as a marketing strategist.

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