Shocking facts about Krugersdorp killers full story

Every time news about Krugersdorp killings would be aired on the media, a cold chill would run down the spine of most people. The group that went on a killing spree for four years; between 2012 and 2016, left most people in awe on how they were able to commit such a high number of murders. What looked like a puzzle is slowly being fixed after the identity of the Krugersdorp killers was revealed. You might be interested in being updated on the case.

Justice has finally been served for the innocent lives that were lost in the hands of the Krugersdorp killers. That might be the only consolation that the families and friends of the victims have, even though it will not heal the pain that is burning inside their hearts. However, they will no longer have to live with the fear of the murderers being among them. The twisted story has finally come to an end, although compiling the facts about the story might go a long way.

Murder details of the killers

The group of killers comprised of a mother, Marinda Steyn, her son: Le Roux and daughter: Marcel Steyn, and two other associates. Marinda Steyn was a teacher of English in a high school. The mastermind of the murders was Cecilia Steyn. Cecilia instigated the killings even though she was not directly involved in the crimes that her puppets were charged with. She was, however, charged with being an accomplice of the crimes.

READ ALSO: Mother handed 11 life terms for role in Krugersdorp murder spree

The shocking revelations of the killings

The murderers were members of Overcomers Through Christ church. Cecilia, being a new member in the church, convinced Ria Grunewald, the head of the church, that she needed constant prayer since she had just exited a satanic church and that move had made her experience constant demonic attacks. Ria believed her and made a promise to help her get out of the situation that she was in by praying for her.

Ria and other members of the church offered to pray for her deliverance after Cecilia convinced them that the satanic church was trying to take her soul away. Her deception heightened when she staged that she was coughing blood.

In 2012, Ria found out that Cecilia had been lying to her for the longest time. She decided to cut the relationship. In retaliation, Cecilia opted to revenge by getting back at her. That is what stirred the series of murders.

The series of Krugersdorp murders

In retaliation to the incident where Ria had discovered that she had been lying to her, Cecilia and her group decided to throw explosives on the cars that were outside as the believers were having a prayer meeting. Even though there were no casualties, Ria took it upon herself to flee as she knew that she was being targeted and was not willing to risk the lives of the other believers.

Apart from throwing the explosives at the cars, Cecilia and her group warned Ria about people paying with their lives. That officially marked the beginning of the murder spree.

July 2012

Joyce Bonzaaier and Natacha Burger who were members of the Overcomers Through Christ church and neighbours of Cecilia Steyn were the first victims of the murderers. The two were stabbed to death by the group the following day after the explosives were thrown on the cars. Joyce and Natacha were killed by Zak Valentine and Mikeila.

August 2012

One week after the death of Joyce and Natacha, Reginald Bendixen, the seventy-five-year-old former pastor of the Overcomers Through Christ was killed by being hit over the head with an axe and stabbed to death. The deceased was killed by the members of the group in his home in Honeydew.

October 2012

Zak Valentine's wife: Mikeila Valentine got uncomfortable with being a member of the group and opted to quit supporting the murders. Having learnt about the killings, Zak Valentine, Marcel, and Marinda plotted to kill her. Mikeila's death was the most gruesome as she was stabbed close to sixty times. Her intestines and blood were then spattered on the ceiling of her house.

The group then took a three-year hiatus after which they went back to their old habit of ending the lives of innocent people.

November 2015

John Barnard, one of the associates of the murderers, convinced the group that one couple: Peter Meyer and Joan Meyer had "millions of rands" that they hid in their home. The group, therefore, plotted to raid the home of the couple in a bid to steal the money. Unfortunately, there was no money in the safe. Out of anger, Zak Valentine opted to stab the couple to death.

December 2015

Two weeks after the murder of the Meyers, Jarod Jackson was strangled and burnt to death in Zak Valentine's car in what turned out to be an attempted life insurance fraud.

January 2016

Glen McGregor, a tax consultant, was strangled, and his body was dumped in the bath after the group had forced him to transfer money into the bank account of Marinda Steyn.

May 2016

A broker: Anthony Schofield was tricked into offering insurance services to Marinda Steyn and her family. He was strangled in Marinda's flat after which his body was dumped in the boot of his car.

A few weeks later, another insurance broker: Kevin McAlpine, was killed the same way as Anthony. His ATMs and other bank cards were stolen and used.

A few days later, the body of Hanle Latega was recovered near a stream in Randfontein. It was, later on, confirmed that she was the eleventh victim of the group.

A few weeks after the murder of the last victim, Marinda's children: twenty-year-old Le Roux and eighteen-year-old Marcel were arrested. After a series of interrogation sessions, Le Roux gave an account of all the crimes that they had committed and the lives that they had ended. This led to the arrest of Zak Valentine, Cecilia Steyn, and Marinda. John Barnard was also arrested after he was linked to the many murders.

Krugersdorp murders latest news

After a series of court proceedings that opened a Pandora box for the revelation of the heinous crimes that were committed by the group, the court finally delivered judgement on the suspects. On the 19th of August 2019, three of the members of the 'Electus per Deus', which means: 'Chosen by God', were found guilty and given multiple life sentences. The three: Cecilia Steyn: the mastermind of the killings, Zak Valentine, and Marcel Steyn were found guilty of the eleven counts of murder.

While delivering the verdict, the judge said that the group should have called themselves: "Elected by lucifer". The three were handed multiple life sentences, except for Marcels whose minimum sentence moved since she was fourteen when she committed her first crime.

The judge went further to express his devastation by saying:

There was nothing Godly about the deeds that they committed. Psalm 23, which was cited... when his wife was being killed in front of him, had no effect on them. They should have perhaps called themselves Elected by Lucifer,

The last three members of the group were charged one year after judgement on Marinda Steyn Krugersdorp killings was delivered. Marinda pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eleven life term sentences, which were an equivalent of one hundred and fifteen years in prison.

The other member of the group: John Barnard, whose verdict was given in 2016, was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

Justice has finally been served for the family and friends of the victims that lost their lives in the hands of the Krugersdorp killers. Even though most of them have not recovered from the heart-drenching feeling of losing their loved ones, knowing that those who orchestrated the killings are behind bars is relieving. While giving his verdict, the judge said that this was the worst case that he had presided over for the years that he has served on the bench.


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