On May 20, 2023, controversial Kick streamer River "Slightly Homeless" responded after being released from prison in Nepal. In a viral 38-second video, Slightly Homeless issued a warning to other Kick streamers in the country and urged them to leave as soon as possible. He also accused the Nepalese government of corruption, saying:
"My warning for Paul (Ice Posiedon) and others is that, their (the Nepalese) government is extremely corrupt. It's very similar to Iraq, except that they are not very...well, they weren't violent to me. But, either, it's very similar to Iraq.""Shocking to see the complete lack of awareness and accountability" - Reddit community responds to Kick streamer
After advising Kick streamers such as Paul "Ice Poseidon" to leave Nepal because the government is "extremely corrupt," Slightly Homeless claimed that the moment they obtain information on a person, they are "probably f**ked":
The second they get information on you, you're probably f**ked. So if I was you, Paul, if you're watching this clip right now, I would get the hell out of there because... you're not going to be safe."Slightly Homless' address gained a lot of traction on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit, with the conversation thread attracting over 250 responses. According to Redditor u/SophisNow, the content creator demonstrated a lack of awareness and accountability. They elaborated by saying:
"It's shocking to see the complete lack of awareness and accountability with both, Homeless and Suspendas. Their little streams covering the events are complete bullsh*t. Nothing is their fault, it's all overblown, it's all the government and this and that. I'm surprised they didn't blame the Rabobank. Nothing has been learned, nothing has been gained, the world is not a safer place for young girls."Another Reddit user, u/Individual-Hunt8510, provided their thoughts on Slightly Homeless' recent livestreams:
Some of the more relevant reactions were along these lines:
For some additional context, on May 19, 2023, Slightly Homeless and another Kick streamer, Avrom "Suspendas," made headlines after being arrested in Nepal. According to information shared on Ice Poseidon's livestream, they were imprisoned because Slightly Homeless allegedly asked an under*ge girl to marry him. They were initially sentenced to a minimum of 60 days in jail and a maximum of 10 years.
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