Top 97 quotes by Terry Bradshaw

Terry Bradshaw is considered a famous American former professional football player. A quarterback in the National Football League (NFL), Terry, was also presented as a television sports analyst and co-host of Fox NFL Sunday. He is not limited as a football player as he has worked as an actor in many television shows and films. He has starred in the movie Failure to Launch.

This versatile personality played for 14 seasons with Pittsburgh, where he won four Super Bowl titles for six years. Terry Bradshaw was also the first quarterback to win three and four Super Bowls and led the Steelers to eight AFC Central championships. His entry towards the College Football Hall of Fame in 1996 was so grateful.

Moreover, he is a tough competitor having one of the most potent sources in NFL history.  Below, you can see his famous quotes by Terry Bradshaw that will help you.

“If I could reach down in my heart, I would say I’m sorry for every unkind word and thought I ever had.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You find out in life that people really like you funny. So what do you give ’em? Humor. And then if you show them the other side, they don’t like you as much. I find, too, that I can hide behind the idiot’s mask being funny, and you never see the sorrow or the pain.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You don’t know how many times I was in the huddle, asking my teammates to help me call a play.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“I’m always happy-go-lucky, and people look at me and find it shocking that I could be depressed.”― Terry Bradshaw        

“You have to understand, now, I’m a momma’s boy. I’m from the south. My way of being raised is totally different than the big city life. I truly was a country boy.”― Terry Bradshaw

“When Brian told me he grew up in New Mexico, I told him I thought it is cool that people from other countries play football. He corrected me on my geography and agreed to sit down with me anyway.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m not a one-liner guy. I’m a story guy.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I love the national anthem.”― Terry Bradshaw

“When you’re clinically depressed the serotonin in your brain is out of balance and probably always will be out of balance. So I take medication to get that proper balance back. I’ll probably have to be on it the rest of my life.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m on national TV in front of millions and I hate making mistakes.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You’ve got to stand up and do your own battles. My daddy taught me that a long time ago, that you fight your own battles. The only way to shut everybody up is to win.”― Terry Bradshaw

“All great empires die from within.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Most athletes, we’re the good ol’ boys, part of the good-ol’-boy fraternity, and we take care of our brothers, and we cover up the bad habit and the bad play.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I was thinking, mothers show their love for their sons so much greater than dads do.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m taking memory power boost tablets to help me every day and doing the puzzles to help me stay focused.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I didn’t respond well to a firm hand and insults.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I have more of an identity with Cowher than I do Tomlin. I knew Cowher when he came over from Kansas City as a defensive coordinator, and his teams were tough. Tomlin came in from Minnesota, and I didn’t know anything about him. So maybe it’s unfair for me to make the comparison.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I am not much on down-time. I’m ADHD, and I gotta be moving.”― Terry Bradshaw

“What’s the worst thing that can happen to a quarterback? He loses his confidence.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“As a player, it says everything about you if you made the Hall of Fame. But, then again, boy… there’s something about winning a Super Bowl.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I just like to catch fish, I don’t care if it weighs half a pound or 10 pounds. But I can’t do a lot of casting. I can work a jig or a worm. But not for long, especially if the big ones are biting. Those big bass will make it hurt after a while.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I know this golf tournament has my name on it but it’s not about me. It’s about the Louisiana Tech family. There is nothing greater than being a part of the Bulldog family.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid.”― Terry Bradshaw

“People respect you more if you just play and blow something out than if you take the easier road. That’s how we think. You get more respect and people play harder for you. Just play till you blow it. Just play till it goes.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You can’t dodge them all. I got hammered plenty of times through the years. But you just get up and keep playing. I can tell you from experience, though. Sometimes it hurts like hell.”― Terry Bradshaw

“After three failed marriages, I know what it’s like to be replaced. So that’s kind of how Joey Harrington must feel today… A former No. 1 choice looks to me like he’s going to be a bust in Detroit.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Depression is a physical illness.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I could not bounce back from my divorce – emotionally – I just could not bounce back.”― Terry Bradshaw

“It’s obvious that my brain isn’t what it used to be.”― Terry Bradshaw

“When I played for the Steelers and I got my bell rung, I’d take smelling salts and go right back out there.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I was not used to criticism.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m not ashamed of who I am.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I decided to write a book primarily because people talked me into it.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Why would anyone want to read what I have to say?”― Terry Bradshaw

“Bottom line is, if you turn the ball over to a team that isn’t as good, you then have brought them up to your level.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Any team can win.”― Terry Bradshaw

“When I was labeled stupid, that scarred me forever.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I really don’t care that I’m ranked.”― Terry Bradshaw

“There’s a company that wants to put hair on me! I don’t know if it’s plugs, I’m sure it is. I laughed and said, ‘You gotta be kidding.’”― Terry Bradshaw

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“I enjoy my public speaking. That’s what I love doing. It’s what I’m good at.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m against people reading statements. When you read statement, I automatically take it as though you can’t talk, and it’s not real.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You can’t have ‘yes’ people around you.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I just see too many people retire and say, ‘I’m going to take off, travel, spend time with my family’ and they are just miserable. They end up dying. People who work and stay active, and like what they are doing, live longer.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“The fear for a network is the viewer gets tired of you. Not that you lost any credibility, but they get tired of you.”― Terry Bradshaw

“The only thing I care about is my family.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Everybody handles things differently.”― Terry Bradshaw

“People ask me all the time would I like to still be playing? No. I’m glad I played when I played.”― Terry Bradshaw

“The best thing you can say about any coach is his players play hard for him.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I got a family I got to answer to. I got kids… my older parents and my preachers and everybody.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I don’t really care about being accepted now. I wish I had been like that earlier.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I don’t like confrontation.”― Terry Bradshaw

“If you play in the NFL and start for 10 years, it’s not good. It is not good.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m just in an unfortunate business where if you ask me a question I have to answer it honestly and if I don’t answer it truthfully then I’m not respected.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I don’t want to hurt anybody.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Bad attitudes will ruin your team.”― Terry Bradshaw

“For an athlete, there’s no time off… until it’s over.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Going out to play a game in front of 100,000 spectators doesn’t worry me. Nothing to it.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I have been playing football since I was 7.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I am a Christian guy. I’ve struggled with that; I have struggled with everything.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“I have always felt like a fish in water with football, Fox, speeches, riding horses, and raising cattle.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I would start with the most important thing a quarterback has to be: poised. If you panic in that pocket, you are no good. I don’t care what else is there; you have to be poised.”― Terry Bradshaw

“The memory loss made me jittery at times.”― Terry Bradshaw

“It was driving me crazy that I couldn’t remember something that I studied the night before. All it did was trigger my anxiety, and all of sudden everything would snowball on me.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I really started to forget things. That’s why I quit reciting statistics: because I couldn’t remember them exactly, and I stayed away from mentioning some players by name because I really wasn’t sure, and I didn’t want to make a mistake.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m a big card guy. I play Rook, Liverpool Rummy – love that. I play Pac-Man, shoot pool.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“I don’t have hair anymore. I’ve shrunk. I’m barely 6 feet 2 inches. I just had my teeth fixed because I’m a grinder.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I can’t run anymore. That’s the one thing I loved doing. And I can’t play golf hardly at all because of wrist and back pain.”― Terry Bradshaw

“All my football injuries now have arthritis in them.”― Terry Bradshaw

“When I started as a color man in the booth with CBS, I would make footballs out of a roll of toilet paper.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I found out that superstars Winkler and William Shatner are real people, and I was so thankful for that.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’ve never had a problem with people expressing themselves. It’s one thing great about our country.”― Terry Bradshaw

“The First Amendment rights, everybody has them.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I am a man that loves the flag.”― Terry Bradshaw

“All you got to do is look around. This country’s getting worse and worse and more and more immoral, and we’re rotting from within.”― Terry Bradshaw

“What does that mean – you’re religious? Everybody is religious.”― Terry Bradshaw

“We can’t talk about Jesus. We can’t mention that anymore.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m not afraid of being fired, and I’m gonna speak my mind.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I would not put Dak Prescott on the bench. I would leave him as the starter, and I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“I was frustrated I couldn’t remember stuff, and I got real upset. It was driving me nuts.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I got tested to see what condition my brain is in. And it’s not in real good shape.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I lose stuff. I forget stuff. I walk into rooms and go, ‘Why am I in here? What did I come in here for?’ Is that normal? I’m 65. I don’t know.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’ve always took care of myself.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I know me, and I know my heart. I know what the Lord expects. I know what a Christian’s supposed to act like, but you can’t act it.”― Terry Bradshaw

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“Just everything that I’ve done, everything that I do, is to this day, all major decisions are all through prayer – all my actions, although a sinner, but you know what? I’m cool with that.”― Terry Bradshaw

“That’s one of the problems as a Christian, is that we have to deal with our failures and the shame of it all.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I miss my coach. I love my coach. I miss Chuck Noll.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Washington, D.C., is one of my favorite cities.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Forget politics and what their platforms were and everything, because you can take whoever you want to take, but the guy that I liked was Nixon… He was a smart man.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I did an album called ‘I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.’ I sang the song on ‘Hee Haw.’”― Terry Bradshaw

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“If I moved back, my mother would love for me to move in because she absolutely loves her boys. 12 boys. She showers all of us. Would be no problem. She would love to have us back in the house.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I wasn’t that close to any of my teammates. I didn’t find anyone to become a best friend. We don’t stay in touch. They’re all over the country, but I do not want to stay in touch.”― Terry Bradshaw

“You can’t live in the past.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Football is an awesome sport, but it’s also a violent sport, and that’s why all of us love it. We know what we checked in for, and at seven years of age, that’s what I wanted to do with my life, and I didn’t care that I got hurt.”― Terry Bradshaw

“Lawsuits make you care. I think the PR makes you care. But personally, when I got out in 1983, do I think they cared about me? No.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’m learning how to prevent my brain from getting worse than it is after suffering a career worth of concussions playing football.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I know how much my late center Mike Webster suffered. I can only imagine what a lot of defensive players from my era are going through.”― Terry Bradshaw

“I’ve been bashed my whole career.”― Terry Bradshaw
