What is Kehila Gozo y Paz's net worth?
$ 11.2K is approximately net worth of Kehila Gozo y Paz.How many videos does Kehila Gozo y Paz have?
Kehila Gozo y Paz uploaded 1,421 videos on youtube.What is the monthly income of Kehila Gozo y Paz?
Income of Kehila Gozo y Paz is $ 198.How many subscribers does Kehila Gozo y Paz have?
Kehila Gozo y Paz has 161,000 subs.How much does Kehila Gozo y Paz make per 1000 views?
Kehila Gozo y Paz makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.How many video views does Kehila Gozo y Paz have?
Kehila Gozo y Paz has 9,244,709 video views on youtube.When Kehila Gozo y Paz started youtube channel?
Kehila Gozo y Paz has youtube channel since 2014-08-02.ncG1vNJzZmiemWPGsMHTrpmeqqNjuqZ7yp6foqSRYrSwxs5msGaoka98urvUraybnV2awLW1zJqrnpxdmq6zusinnqxnlaM%3D