Brand New Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Brand New Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Goodbye to sleep
I think that staying up is exactly what I need
Well take apart your head
Take apart the counting
And the flock it has bred

Goodbye to love
It's a ride that will push you up

Right against the wall

(Does everybody really need to know everyone?)
Take apart your head
(Do you really think you're really a part of it?)
Right against the wall
(And is your army really one of some thousands?)
Chew it up and swallow it
(And will you declare war on the loony bin?)

You burn bright but you run out
I fell asleep in the incline
I can't shake this little feeling
I'll never get anything right

Goodbye, you liar
Well, you sipped from her cup
But you don't own up to anything
Then you think you will inspire

(When I arrive will God be waiting and pacing around his throne?)
Take apart your head
(Will he feel a little Old Testament?)
I wish I could inspire
(And will he celebrate with fire and brimstone)
Take apart the demon, in the attic, to the left
(Yeah, I admit, I am afraid of the reckoning)

(Goodbye my love)
You burnt bright but you run out
(You wait right here, and they will come and pick you up)
Let's sleep on the incline
(I've been on pause but I'm shaking off the rust)
I can't shake this tiny feeling
(I've lost my charge, I've been degaussed)

I never say anything right
(I'm on my own, I've been degaussed)
I never say anything right
(I'm on my own, I've been degaussed)
I never say anything right
(I'm on my own, I've been degaussed)
I never say anything right, right, right (I'm on my own)

Take me, take me, back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
Say "I don't mind you under my skin,"
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
But when we were made, we were set apart
Life is a test and I get bad marks
Now some Saint got the job
Of writing down my sins
The storm is coming
The storm is coming, yeah

You burnt bright but you run out
I fell asleep in the incline
I can't shake this little feeling

I never did anything right (I'm on my own)
I never did anything right (I'm on my own)

Take me, take me back to your bed
I love you so much, that it hurts my head
I don't mind you under my skin
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
You're my favorite bird, and when you sing
I really do wish that you would wear my ring
No matter what they say, I am still the king

Now, the storm is coming
The storm is coming, yeah

Overall Meaning

The song "Degausser" by Brand New is a powerful and introspective track that explores relationships, self-doubt, and faith. The opening lines, "Goodbye to sleep, I think that staying up is exactly what I need," suggest that the singer is struggling with insomnia and needs to stay up to make sense of their thoughts and emotions. As the song progresses, the lyrics delve into darker themes, including the dissolution of a relationship ("Goodbye to love, it's a ride that will push you up, right against the wall"), religious doubt ("When I arrive will God be waiting and pacing around his throne?" and "And will he celebrate with fire and brimstone"), and a sense of isolation and self-doubt ("I can't shake this little feeling, I'll never get anything right").

The song's title, "Degausser," refers to a tool used to demagnetize objects, such as old computer monitors or television screens. It’s suggested that this could be a metaphor for the singer’s desire to erase or demagnetize his memories of past relationships.

The song's general meaning is left open for interpretation, but some have speculated that the lyrics may be autobiographical for lead singer Jesse Lacey, who struggled with depression and addiction throughout his career. The lyric "I never say anything right/I'm on my own, I've been degaussed" may refer to Lacey's struggles in expressing himself and finding validation in his relationships.

Interestingly, the song was originally recorded during the sessions for the band's previous album, "The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me," but was not included on the final tracklist. It was subsequently released on the "Millimeter" single beforehand.

Line by Line Meaning

Goodbye to sleep
I need to stay up because I have things to get done

I think that staying up is exactly what I need
Staying up is beneficial for me

Well take apart your head
Analyze your thoughts and beliefs

Take apart the counting
Analyze the value system that society perpetuates

And the flock it has bred
The individuals society produces follow its values and systems

Goodbye to love
Love can cause emotional distress

It's a ride that will push you up
Being in love can be thrilling

Right against the wall
Love can destroy you

(Does everybody really need to know everyone?)
Are we too accessible to each other?

(Do you really think you're really a part of it?)
Do you think you belong in this society?

(And is your army really one of some thousands?)
Is the group you belong to truly unique?

Chew it up and swallow it
Accept the harsh reality of society and move on

(And will you declare war on the loony bin?)
Will you fight against the system?

You burn bright but you run out
You shine brilliantly but temporarily

I fell asleep in the incline
My passion gently drifted away

I can't shake this little feeling
I can't overcome this feeling of inadequacy

Goodbye, you liar
Farewell to your deception

Well, you sipped from her cup
You took advantage of her

But you don't own up to anything
You refuse to take responsibility for your actions

Then you think you will inspire
You believe that you will become influential

(When I arrive will God be waiting and pacing around his throne?)
What happens when I die?

I wish I could inspire
I want to make an impact on people's lives before I die

(Will he feel a little Old Testament?)
Will God have a vengeful reaction?

(And will he celebrate with fire and brimstone)
Will He punish me in a fiery spectacle?

Take apart the demon, in the attic, to the left
Analyze your inner demons and get rid of them

(Yeah, I admit, I am afraid of the reckoning)
I'm afraid of the consequences of my actions

You burnt bright but you run out
You had potential but lost it

(You wait right here, and they will come and pick you up)
Waiting for my downfall to happen

Let's sleep on the incline
Let's rest and be content, despite our shortcomings

(I've been on pause but I'm shaking off the rust)
I've been stagnant but am ready for change

(I've lost my charge, I've been degaussed)
I've lost my sense of purpose and need to be re-magnetized

I never say anything right
I feel like I always say the wrong thing

(I'm on my own, I've been degaussed)
I feel alone and without direction

Take me, take me back to your bed
Take me back into your life

I love you so much, that it hurts my head
I love you intensely

I don't mind you under my skin
I accept you wholeheartedly

I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
I accept your flaws and strengths

You're my favorite bird, and when you sing
You are special to me

I really do wish that you would wear my ring
I want you to commit to me

No matter what they say, I am still the king
I refuse to let criticisms change me

Now, the storm is coming
Trouble is approaching

Lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Universal Music Publishing Group
Written by: Brian Lane, Garrett Tierney, Jesse Thomas Lacey, Vincent Accardi

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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