What Happened to Radio Host Big Al Mack's Wife?

Radio Host Big Al Mack's Wife Aimee Got Really Sick During a Holiday Vacation


Jan. 9 2024, Published 12:34 p.m. ET

Source: Instagram/@bigalmack19

The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show kicked off 2024 with some major adjustments to its lineup. Those adjustments were the result of Big Al Mack being absent from the show as his wife deals with some pretty serious medical problems.

Big Al's wife, Aimee, has been in the hospital in the Virgin Islands after falling sick, and many want to better understand what happened to her, and whether there's an end in sight for the couple. Here's what we know about Aimee's medical situation, and what happened to her.

Source: Instagram/@bigalmack19

What happened to Big Al Mack's wife?

Big Al Mack is in the Virgin Islands with his wife after she fell sick while they were on vacation over the holidays. While he is not currently on The Kidd Kraddick Show, he has called into the show on several occasions to offer updates on his wife's condition. Unfortunately, we don't know exactly what is wrong with his wife, and frustratingly, neither do the doctors currently treating her.

Al has explained that the doctors believe it is some kind of infection, but they are simply trying out different treatments in order to find one that works. During his call-ins to the show, he has expressed some frustration about the slow nature of the progress that the doctors have made in treating his wife, although he has acknowledged that they're doing all they can. Because she's being treated far from home, it's created some complications for her that might have been avoided otherwise.

Al has repeatedly asked for prayers for his wife.

In the aftermath of her hospitalization, Big Al has been asking for prayers for his wife as she continues her treatment.

"We pray that you will cover Aimee with a shield of protection and continue to protect her from the enemy," he wrote in his initial statement. "She is yours. We trust you not to allow Satan to cause her any harm. In Jesus name, we pray that she will be healed of all sickness and infirmity."

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"In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray and ask that You will bind, rebuke, severe, disallow, and dissolve any and all diseases that are coming against her from the air, water, food, or any other sources," he continued. "You healed the blind and the lame. You cast out demons and brought the dead back to life, so we know you have the power to heal Aimee’s body, mind, and spirit, and we trust you to take care of her."

Unfortunately, Al and Aimee are stuck until she's recovered enough to return home. Getting sick on vacation is always terrible, and it really stinks when you have to go to the hospital. Fans of Big Al's have offered their thoughts and prayers that she will make a full recovery and they'll be able to return home. Unfortunately, until doctors get to the bottom of what's ailing her, both Big Al and fans at home will just have to wait and see.
